Upload and house documents on the People and Program level.
People Documents
People documents can be used as a repository regarding a specific professional. These files are only visible to the administrator. Professionals have no access or visibility to the files uploaded to their profile by an administrator.
The People documents section is compatible with the following file types:
- Applications
- .pptx
- .doc
- .docx
- .xls
- .xlsx
- .xml
- .zip
- Text
- .txt
- .rtf
- .html
- Image
- .gif
- .png
- .jpeg
Program Documents
Program documents can be used as a repository for course materials. Administrators can set the visibility of a document to either public or non-public.
- Public documents are visible to professionals with access to the program.
- Non-public documents are restricted to the program creator and other Administrators with necessary permissions.
The Program documents section is compatible with all files types listed above in addition to the following file type:
- Video
- .mp4