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Sending Emails through LCvista

Configure and verify an email address to send notifications.


You can configure a Send From email address when sending emails from LCvista. By default, LCvista will send emails from no-reply@lcvista.com or support@lcvista.com.

You can choose to configure an email address from a domain owned by your organization.

Configuring an Email Address

Before configuring an email address, please work with your IT Department to determine if there are any restrictions or limitations that would prevent your professionals from receiving a spoofed email.

The first step is to work with your LCvista representative to get email verification approved. The base requirements for email include:

  • The email address should include no special characters such as & , " etc.
  • The email account must be an actual email inbox that is actively monitored.

LCvista will use AWS SES to send a verification email. An administrator on your team must select a link in the email to grant LCvista permissions to send email from your email account. Once verification is cimplete, LCvista will configure your site to send email from your account.

Outgoing Email IP Addresses

LCvista sends email through the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). Some IT departments require configurations within your network to prevent messages from being marked as spam.

Emails from the LCvista application are sent from a range of 13 dedicated IP addresses. LCvista cannot guarantee which of the 13 addresses will be used to send mail.

If required, your IT department can add the following IP addresses to an allowlist for your organization.