Manage Users

Apply and modify learning plan assignments.

Accessing Manage Users

Navigating the Manage Users Menu

              Available Filters

              Understanding the User/User Group Table

Applying Actions

Available Actions

Relative Group Assignments


Reviewing Assignments



Accessing Manage Users

The Manage Users menu provides access for administrators to manage learning plan assignments for professionals and user groups. To access Manage Users click on Manage Training from the left-hand menu.

Select the row action menu next to the learning plan, and choose the selection for Manage Users.


Navigating the Manage Users Menu

On the Manage Users menu, you will notice two different tabs: Users and Groups. Before proceeding further, ensure you have chosen the appropriate selection.

Are you looking to perform an action on a specific professional(s)? Or, are you looking to apply an action on a user group? Your selection will impact the Available Filters menu, and the actions relevant to the user type selected.


Available Filters

Users. When choosing to perform an action on a professional, you will have the following filter options:

  • Group. Filter by group to locate specific individuals based on rules (dynamic group) or specific selections (static group). 
    Note: this is only a filter to return a desired set of professionals. To apply an action on a User Group, return to the top of the form and adjust to the User Group tab. Do this in cases where you wish to apply a dynamic assignment.
  • Jurisdiction. Filter by a specific jurisdiction to return a desired set of professionals.
  • User Status. Filter by active, or disabled users.
  • Learning Plan Status. Filter by a professional's status in the learning plan. Options include those that are assigned, not assigned or waived.
  • Registration Status. Filter by a professional's registration status in a learning plan. Options include Complete or Incomplete.

User Groups. When choosing to perform an action on a user group, you will have the following filter options.

  • Group Type. Filter by either Dynamic or Static groups.
  • Assignment Status. Filter by groups that have been Assigned, or Not Assigned.


Understanding the User/User Group Tables

Users. The user table visible at the bottom of this page, will return professionals organized by the following:

  • Assigned Users. Navigate to this tab in cases where you wish to review professionals with an existing assignment in the learning plan.
  • Registered Users. Navigate to this tab to see a list of professionals where registration has been completed.
  • Find Users. Navigate to this tab to find all available professionals to assign this learning plan to.


User Groups. The user group table visible at the bottom of this page, will return user groups organized by the following:

  • Assigned Groups. Navigate to this tab to review user groups with an existing assignment in this learning plan.
  • Find Groups. Navigate to this tab to review all user groups available.


Applying Actions

For both users and user groups, actions are applied by either individually selecting a user/user group or checking multiple users or user groups.

Once a selection has been specified, the Action menu will activate and an action can be chosen. After specifying your action, a modal will appear summarizing your choices.

Modify your choices as needed and choose Save to submit your changes.

Read further to learn more about the actions available for users, and those available for user groups.


Available Actions

Users. As an administrator, you can apply the following actions to a user(s) from the User tab of Manage Users:

  • Assign user. Use this action to assign a professional to a learning plan. With this action you can designate a due date (if relevant) and have the option to send a notification if a template has been created.
  • Waive user. Use this action to waive a professional for a learning plan assignment. With this action you can also add notes which will be visible from this table after the action is saved. Waive a professional  if the individual is no longer required to complete the assignment.
  • Remove user assignment. Use this action to remove a learning plan assignment from a professional. Unlike waiving, where reports will continue to capture the user's assignment, this action will remove the assignment entirely from the professional's record.

User Groups: As an administrator, you can apply the following actions to a user group from the User Group tab of Manage Users:

  • Assign user groups. Use this action to assign a user group to a learning plan. With this action you can designate a due date for when the learning plan requirements are due, along with sending a notification if a notification template has been created.
  • Remove user group assignment. Use this action to remove a learning plan assignment from a user group.

Relative Group Assignments

When assigning a user group to a learning plan, administrators will have two options when choosing the type of assignment: Fixed, or Relative.

  • Fixed. Administrators can assign a group with a set fixed due date. For example, if all users in group must complete the learning plan by December 31st, you can apply a fixed due date by choosing the Fixed option from within the Due Date Type drop down on the Assign modal. Alternatively, an administrator can choose to apply a more dynamic assignment with a relative due date.
  • Relative. Administrators can choose to apply a due date relative to a user joining a specific group. For example, perhaps you have an general onboarding training that all new hires must complete within 90 days of joining the firm. You can choose to assign your New Hire group to the learning plan with a relative due date of 90 days. This action will mean, that all users in the group in that moment will be due for the learning plan 90 days from today, while any new users who join the group in the future will have a due date that is 90 days from the day they joined your New Hire group.

Access to see how due dates were applied across groups will be visible from within the Manage Users - Groups table, displaying the Relative Due Date type, along with Status, exposing either the fixed due date or relative value. Both Learning Plan reports will also show this information, by exposing the Due Date Type along with the appropriate Assignment Due Date for the users within each group.



If you wish to notify a professional of their learning plan assignment, you will need to create a Learning Plan Assignment notification, within the Notification menu. See more on Notifications, here.

If you elect to send this notification automatically, please note that this automatic trigger will only be initiated in instances where a professional is added to a user group with an existing learning plan assignment.

Consistent with our behavior in Manage Attendees, when assigning a user or user group through the Manage Users menu, administrators will need to intentionally elect to send an email, if they wish a notification to be triggered at the time of assignment. 


Reviewing Assignments

To review an existing assignment for either a user, or user group, navigate to the user table. Specify Assigned Users, if looking for an individual user assignment. Specify Assigned Groups, to review an existing group assignment.

This table will return general user/user group info along with indicating whether the user/user group has been assigned, their assignment status (due date for groups) and any notes added.



Administrators can retrieve a report of professionals assigned a program by pulling a Session Records report.

When using this report to identify assigned users,  note the following columns available:

  • User Assignment Status
  • User Assignment Due Date
  • User Assignment Note
  • Group Assignments

Note the following filters available:

  • Assignment Due Date
  • Programs that have been assigned (True/False)

Note: This report will only return those assigned users who have taken action on their assignment by either enrolling, launching or completing a session from the assigned program.