Program Actions

Invite, assign, or modify program assignments, for your professionals.

Accessing Program Actions

Navigating the Program Actions Menu

Applying an Action

Available Actions

Relative Group Assignments

Reviewing Assignments

Best Practices



Accessing Program Actions

This menu houses all actions which can be taken on a program in respect to Users and User Groups. Are you looking to invite professionals to an event? Do you need to assign certain professionals to a specific program? Navigate to the Program Actions menu to perform these tasks.

You will find Program Actions from the Manage Training menu located on the left navigation bar. Selecting the row action menu next to the program in question, will expose this menu option.

For further information on programs and sessions in LCvista, please visit our article here.


Navigating the Program Actions Menu

Once you’ve landed on the Program Actions menu, there are a number of areas to be aware of.

The top card will highlight the Selected Program details, including program name and ID. An alternate program can be specified by selecting the Choose New Program button.

The next section provides access to choose whether the action you wish to perform is on a User, or User Group. Select the appropriate tab before moving onto the next step.

  • Choose Users, when you are looking to perform an action on a specific individual, or group of individuals.
  • Choose User Groups, when you are looking to perform an action based on a group defined by a set of rules or, a set of specific professionals. Applying an action on a group will mean that as professionals are moved in and out of that group, any assignments will be applied to new professionals, or alternatively, assignments may be removed from any professionals who have left that group.


Applying an Action

After you have chosen which User(s)/ or User Group(s) to apply your action to, take note of few options available within the second card, Available Filters.

When performing an action on a User(s), take note of filters:

  • Group: filter for professionals based on static or dynamic groups defined within your organization.
  • Jurisdiction: filter professionals by a specific jurisdiction
  • User Status: narrow your list based on a professional's account status (active/disabled)
  • Assignment Status: locate professionals based on their current assignment status  (Assigned, Not Assigned, Met Assignment, Waived or Invited)


What is the difference between filtering Users by a Group versus performing an action on a User Group via the User Group tab?

These pathways are not identical, and will not have the same long-term result.

When specifying User Action, as opposed to User Group Action, you will have access to filter your professionals by Group. Applying an action on a filtered list of professionals by group, will only apply that action to those professionals identified at that time.

Alternatively, when specifying User Group Action, you will be applying an action on a group which will have a cascading impact on professionals as they move in and out of that group. This functionality is specific to assignments. If a User Group has been assigned to a program, new professionals added to that group will also be assigned. Or alternatively, if a professional leaves a group, their assignment will be removed.


Available Actions

The following actions are available when performing a change on a User(s)or User Group(s):

  • Assign: assign a User or User Group, to a specific program. At the time of applying this action, you will have access to set a Due Date and send an email if a notification template has been created for this action. For more information on Notifications, please visit our article here.
  • Remove Assignment: remove an existing assignment from a User(s) or User Group for a particular program. A modal will appear summarizing the changes you are about to make; select Save to proceed.
  • Waive: waive a professional's assignment for a particular program. This action is only available at the User level, and cannot be applied to a User Group. If a User Group should no longer have the program assignment, consider using the action Remove Assignment.
  • Invite: invite a User or User Group to a specific program.


Relative Group Assignments

When assigning a user group to a program, administrators will have two options when choosing the type of assignment to apply, with options of Fixed, or Relative.

  • Fixed. Administrators can assign a group with a fixed due date. For example, if all users in a group are required to complete the program by December 31st, you can apply a fixed due date by choosing the Fixed option from within the Due Date Type drop down on the Assign modal. Alternatively, an administrator can choose to apply a more dynamic assignment with a relative due date.
  • Relative. Administrators can choose to apply a due date relative to a user joining a specific group. For example, perhaps you have an general onboarding training that all new hires must complete within 90 days of joining the firm. You can choose to assign your New Hire group to the program with a relative due date of 90 days. This action will mean, that all users in the group in that moment will be due for the program 90 days from today. Any new users who join the group in the future, will have a due date that is 90 days from the day they joined your New Hire group. When applying a relative due date,  you will also have access to exclude users from the new assignment who have already met the original assignment given. Choose this option when you wish to exclude, and not disrupt, the original date applied.

Note: With the release of relative due dates for programs, please take not of the following new behavior. When modifying an existing program assignment for a group, all users in that group will receive the new assignment (unless the 'exclude users who have met the assignment' is chosen).

If you need to individually adjust a professional's assignment, apply this adjustment individually under the Users tab.


Access to see how due dates were applied across groups will be visible from within the Program Actions- Groups table, displaying the Relative Due Date type, along with Status, exposing either the fixed or relative due date value. The Assigned Programs and Session Record reports will also show this information, by exposing the Due Date Type along with the appropriate Assignment Due Date given to the users within each group.




Reviewing Assignments

To revisit actions performed on a program, whether it is an assignment for a User(s), User Group(s) or reviewing program invitations sent out, all information can be reviewed by returning to the Program Actions menu.

Additionally, you can review assignment from the following areas:          

  • From a User’s Profile: after locating an individual's account through the People menu, located on the left navigation bar, click on the tab for Assignments. All program assignments will be listed under the Programs tab. This area separates assignments into two sections: programs assigned directly to the professional, Assigned to User, and those assigned via a group, Assigned to Group.
  • Dashboard. If your organization has chosen to include the dashboard widget Upcoming Assigned Programs, a professional will have access to review their assignments from their Dashboard. All program assignments will be listed here and organized by due date. To learn more about customizing your Dashboard, please visit our article on Dashboard Customization.


Best Practices

There are a few tools to consider before using the Program Actions menu to assign, or invite professionals to programs.


A notification template for Assign Program is available to create within the Notifications menu. Only when this notification template has been created, will you see the option to manually send this email within the Program Actions menu.

  • Automatic Notifications: if this template is set to go out automatically, it will only be triggered in cases where professionals have been added to a dynamic group previously assigned to that program.
  • Manual Notifications: when assigning a program to a User or User Group, a notification will never be sent out automatically. To send a notification at the time of this action, adjust the radio option to On for Send emails. This action will expose options to choose notification type and template.



Reporting on assignments can be found  within the Session Records report. When choosing columns, consider the following:

  • User Assignment Due Date: the due date assigned to the professional at the time of assignment.
  • User Assignment Note: a note applied to the professional, at the time of assignment.
  • User Assignment Status: the current assignment status of the professional (Complete, Not Complete)
  • Group Assignments: the Group Assignment status along with the Group Name the assignment was applied to, and due date. For multiple group assignments, this will be a comma separated list.

Note: this report will only return those professionals who have been assigned and have acted on their assignment by choosing a session from the assigned program.

This report will not highlight those professionals who have been assigned and have not yet taken action.